Three for $30! Just in time for Christmas we’re letting the SOG Tool L
[InstagramVideo video=” imgurl=’’ imgalt=’Three for $30! Just in time for Christmas we’re letting the SOG Tool Logic LED flashlights go for just $10 each! This flashlight has a hard aluminum body ready to withstand years of abuse. Do your comparison shopping. Where else can you get a high quality 1 Watt LED flashlight for 10 bucks!? SOG-KNIVES.NET/LED SOG ToolLogic 1WATT LEDFlashlight flashlights’][/InstagramVideo]
Three for $30! Just in time for Christmas we’re letting the SOG Tool Logic LED flashlights go for just $10 each! This flashlight has a hard aluminum body ready to withstand years of abuse. Do your comparison shopping. Where else can you get a high quality 1 Watt LED flashlight for 10 bucks!? SOG-KNIVES.NET/LED #SOG #ToolLogic #1WATT #LEDFlashlight #flashlights
posted via instagram by sogknives4u on Dec 16, 2015 @ 19:30