One of the best tools SOG has to offer! Stainless steel Multitool with

[InstagramVideo video=” imgurl=’’ imgalt=’One of the best tools SOG has to offer! Stainless steel Multitool with multiple tools -pliers -wire cutters -medium screwdriver *Purchase comes with a nylon sheath SOG POWERLOCK Model : S62-N SOG multitool stainlesssteel wirecutters musthaves limitedstock’][/InstagramVideo]
One of the best tools SOG has to offer! Stainless steel Multitool with multiple tools -pliers -wire cutters -medium screwdriver *Purchase comes with a nylon sheath SOG POWERLOCK Model #: S62-N #SOG #multitool #stainlesssteel #wirecutters #musthaves #limitedstock
posted via instagram by sogknives4u on Jan 22, 2016 @ 21:48