8 SOG Tamahawk hatchets engraved for groomsman gifts. Can’t beat that!

[InstagramVideo video=” imgurl=’https://www.sog-knives.net/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/12142287_1477113392597761_560962324_n.jpg’ imgalt=’8 SOG Tamahawk hatchets engraved for groomsman gifts. Can’t beat that! SOG-KNIVES.NET groomsmen GroomsmenGifts SOGKnives sog TomahawkAxe Tomahawk SOGTomahawk axe axe CampingAxe’][/InstagramVideo]
8 SOG Tamahawk hatchets engraved for groomsman gifts. Can’t beat that! SOG-KNIVES.NET #groomsmen #GroomsmenGifts #SOGKnives #sog #TomahawkAxe #Tomahawk #SOGTomahawk #axe #axe #CampingAxe
posted via instagram by sogknives4u on Oct 21, 2015 @ 14:30
Good evening. I am wondering how much it would cost for 11 of these? I am in the USMC and I am wanting to get my groomsmen and Ushers some really great gifts. I am on a budget as the wife and I are expecting here at the end of the year, but I want the gift I give them to be unique and different. Please contact me at the earliest convenience. My price range would most like be no more than 15 per. If this is not possible, then maybe some other products you could suggest to me. Thank… Read more »
Thank you for your interest, Jarod. Unfortunately we wouldn’t be able to do the Tomahawks with engraving at $15, but we can supply the entrenching tool with engraving included. What do you think about this SOG Entrenching Tool?