This beauty is the SOG Arcitech Knife A01. Blade made of VG-01 that is

[InstagramVideo video=” imgurl=’’ imgalt=’This beauty is the SOG Arcitech Knife A01. Blade made of VG-01 that is laminated with San Mai and polished to a mirror finish. Abalone jeweled thumbstud. Jigged bone handle with titanium bolsters. Get yours at SOG SOGKnives knife jiggedbone arcitech blade abalone luxury elite mirror jewel KnifeFriday KnifeCommunity’][/InstagramVideo]
This beauty is the SOG Arcitech Knife A01. Blade made of VG-01 that is laminated with San Mai and polished to a mirror finish. Abalone jeweled thumbstud. Jigged bone handle with titanium bolsters. Get yours at #SOG #SOGKnives #knife #jiggedbone #arcitech #blade #abalone #luxury #elite #mirror #jewel #KnifeFriday #KnifeCommunity
posted via instagram by sogknives4u on Mar 28, 2014 @ 21:28