SOG Agency Knife AG-01 with 7.5″ AUS 8 stainless steel blade that will

[InstagramVideo video=” imgurl=’’ imgalt=’SOG Agency Knife AG-01 with 7.5″ AUS 8 stainless steel blade that will certainly turn some heads. Leather washer epoxied grip. Comes complete with a leather sheath and sharpening stone. Available at SOG SOGKnvies agency knife leather washer KnifeFriday KnifeCommunity’][/InstagramVideo]
SOG Agency Knife AG-01 with 7.5″ AUS 8 stainless steel blade that will certainly turn some heads. Leather washer epoxied grip. Comes complete with a leather sheath and sharpening stone. Available at #SOG #SOGKnvies #agency #knife #leather #washer #KnifeFriday #KnifeCommunity
posted via instagram by sogknives4u on Mar 28, 2014 @ 21:22