Back by popular demand, the SOG AutoClip Knife AC-20 has been put back

[InstagramVideo video=” imgurl=’’ imgalt=’Back by popular demand, the SOG AutoClip Knife AC-20 has been put back into production. And we cannot keep them on our shelves. Adjustable pocket clip for every day carry. Weave textured handle. Get yours before they’re gone at SOG SOGKnives knife autoclip clip pocketknife edc sharp blade knifestagram’][/InstagramVideo]
Back by popular demand, the SOG AutoClip Knife AC-20 has been put back into production. And we cannot keep them on our shelves. Adjustable pocket clip for every day carry. Weave textured handle. Get yours before they’re gone at #SOG #SOGKnives #knife #autoclip #clip #pocketknife #edc #sharp #blade #knifestagram
posted via instagram by sogknives4u on Apr 05, 2014 @ 21:49