A few members of the SOG Trident family.. from top to bottom, the TF-1

[InstagramVideo video=” imgurl=’https://www.sog-knives.net/blog/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/a885bd30bf6211e38e020002c9c7875a_8.jpg’ imgalt=’A few members of the SOG Trident family.. from top to bottom, the TF-10, the TF-6, the TF-5, & the TF-7. Pick up one or a couple at www.SOG-Knives.net sog knife trident digicam tanto desertcam military creed acus edc knifecommunity’][/InstagramVideo]
A few members of the SOG Trident family.. from top to bottom, the TF-10, the TF-6, the TF-5, & the TF-7. Pick up one or a couple at www.SOG-Knives.net #sog #knife #trident #digicam #tanto #desertcam #military #creed #acus #edc #knifecommunity
posted via instagram by sogknives4u on Apr 08, 2014 @ 21:13
My favorite SOG for edc!
We love them too! @zauggerr