While supplies last we are offering these SOG throwing knives at an un

[InstagramVideo video=” imgurl=’https://www.sog-knives.net/blog/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/10665459_705113402896962_593117851_n.jpg’ imgalt=’While supplies last we are offering these SOG throwing knives at an unbeatable price plus $5 manufacturer’s mail in rebate. It’s our throwback Thursday sale. Something that you can throw clear into next Thursday if you so choose. Get them at SOG-Knives.net/ThrowingKnives ThrowbackThursday SOG SOGKnives knives knifefanatic’][/InstagramVideo]
While supplies last we are offering these SOG throwing knives at an unbeatable price plus $5 manufacturer’s mail in rebate. It’s our throwback Thursday sale. Something that you can throw clear into next Thursday if you so choose. Get them at SOG-Knives.net/ThrowingKnives #ThrowbackThursday #SOG #SOGKnives #knives #knifefanatic
posted via instagram by sogknives4u on Sep 19, 2014 @ 01:44