We have just a few of these SOG Flash Rescue knives left before they a

[InstagramVideo video=” imgurl=’https://www.sog-knives.net/blog/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/10860234_363243403856904_2082670496_n.jpg’ imgalt=’We have just a few of these SOG Flash Rescue knives left before they are gone. These model TFSA-6 are no longer in production and getting harder and harder to find. We put them on sale for $39.99 which is the best price you’ll find anywhere! SOG-KNIVES.NET/FlashRescue SOG SOGKnives SOGFlash FlashRescue’][/InstagramVideo]
We have just a few of these SOG Flash Rescue knives left before they are gone. These model TFSA-6 are no longer in production and getting harder and harder to find. We put them on sale for $39.99 which is the best price you’ll find anywhere! SOG-KNIVES.NET/FlashRescue #SOG #SOGKnives #SOGFlash #FlashRescue
posted via instagram by sogknives4u on Dec 09, 2014 @ 18:27