Two knives in one with the SOG Revolver Hunter Knife FX-20! Featuring

[InstagramVideo video=” imgurl=’’ imgalt=’Two knives in one with the SOG Revolver Hunter Knife FX-20! Featuring a revolving blade that locks inside the handle. One edge drop point style with a gut hook and the other is a saw for cutting through just about anything. See it revolve at SOG SOGknives knife revolver hunting camping KnifeSunday knifecommunity’][/InstagramVideo]
Two knives in one with the SOG Revolver Hunter Knife FX-20! Featuring a revolving blade that locks inside the handle. One edge drop point style with a gut hook and the other is a saw for cutting through just about anything. See it revolve at #SOG #SOGknives #knife #revolver #hunting #camping #KnifeSunday #knifecommunity
posted via instagram by sogknives4u on Mar 02, 2014 @ 20:39