This bad boy is the SOG Fusion Battle Axe F02T! This medieval looking

[InstagramVideo video=” imgurl=’’ imgalt=’This bad boy is the SOG Fusion Battle Axe F02T! This medieval looking tool is perfectly balanced to get the most from every chop. Upswept pike on the back to increase penetration when thrown. Comes with heavy duty sheath for safe storage. Get yours today at SOG SOGKnives battle axe throwingaxe throwingknives medieval creed wicked KnifeFriday Knifecommunity’][/InstagramVideo]
This bad boy is the SOG Fusion Battle Axe F02T! This medieval looking tool is perfectly balanced to get the most from every chop. Upswept pike on the back to increase penetration when thrown. Comes with heavy duty sheath for safe storage. Get yours today at #SOG #SOGKnives #battle #axe #throwingaxe #throwingknives #medieval #creed #wicked #KnifeFriday #Knifecommunity
posted via instagram by sogknives4u on Apr 04, 2014 @ 19:02