The Tool Logic SL Plier model SLPLY has a 3″ partially serrated knife

[InstagramVideo video=” imgurl=’’ imgalt=’The Tool Logic SL Plier model SLPLY has a 3″ partially serrated knife blade that can be opened with one hand. The handle folds out to expose spring-loaded pliers. Inside the jaws are wire cutters. At the end of the handle is a bit holder that holds the phillips and flathead screwdrivers included with the tool. On sale now at SOG toollogic tool logic tl pliers knife edc knifesaturday framelock’][/InstagramVideo]
The Tool Logic SL Plier model SLPLY has a 3″ partially serrated knife blade that can be opened with one hand. The handle folds out to expose spring-loaded pliers. Inside the jaws are wire cutters. At the end of the handle is a bit holder that holds the phillips and flathead screwdrivers included with the tool. On sale now at #SOG #toollogic #tool #logic #tl #pliers #knife #edc #knifesaturday #framelock
posted via instagram by sogknives4u on May 03, 2014 @ 17:26