The SOG Aegis Digi Camo Knife AE-06 is a great piece to add to your ta

[InstagramVideo video=” imgurl=’’ imgalt=’The SOG Aegis Digi Camo Knife AE-06 is a great piece to add to your tactical or everyday gear. Featuring the Black TiNi blade, Zytel Digi Camo handle, bayonet style clip, and fast assited opening, making this knive a must-have. Available at SOGknives SOG knifeSaturday edc digicam black tactical knifecommunity’][/InstagramVideo]
The SOG Aegis Digi Camo Knife AE-06 is a great piece to add to your tactical or everyday gear. Featuring the Black TiNi blade, Zytel Digi Camo handle, bayonet style clip, and fast assited opening, making this knive a must-have. Available at #SOGknives #SOG #knifeSaturday #edc #digicam #black #tactical #knifecommunity
posted via instagram by sogknives4u on Mar 01, 2014 @ 22:10