Special going on now at SOG-Knives.net. We’re letting the next 40 of t
[InstagramVideo video=” imgurl=’https://www.sog-knives.net/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/12331666_987392794639927_1612455253_n.jpg’ imgalt=’Special going on now at SOG-Knives.net. We’re letting the next 40 of these SOG Twitch II TWI-98 knives go for $34.99. Do your comparison shopping. There’s not a better deal on this knife!’][/InstagramVideo]
Special going on now at SOG-Knives.net. We’re letting the next 40 of these SOG Twitch II TWI-98 knives go for $34.99. Do your comparison shopping. There’s not a better deal on this knife!
posted via instagram by sogknives4u on Dec 01, 2015 @ 21:57