SOG Trident TigerStripe Knife TF-3. Black TiNi coated AUS 8 stainless

[InstagramVideo video=” imgurl=’’ imgalt=’SOG Trident TigerStripe Knife TF-3. Black TiNi coated AUS 8 stainless steel blade with a striped pattern on it. SOG Trident knives have a groove in the Zytel handles that expose a small section of the blade, aka a seat belt cutter. Blade realeases easily with the Arc-Lock technology in the handle. Available at SOG SOGknives knife tigerstripe trident military creed knifeFriday edc knifecommunity’][/InstagramVideo]
SOG Trident TigerStripe Knife TF-3. Black TiNi coated AUS 8 stainless steel blade with a striped pattern on it. SOG Trident knives have a groove in the Zytel handles that expose a small section of the blade, aka a seat belt cutter. Blade realeases easily with the Arc-Lock technology in the handle. Available at #SOG #SOGknives #knife #tigerstripe #trident #military #creed #knifeFriday #edc #knifecommunity
posted via instagram by sogknives4u on Apr 11, 2014 @ 23:44