It almost doesn’t look real! Our Flashback Friday to the SOG Tech Bowi

[InstagramVideo video=” imgurl=’’ imgalt=’It almost doesn’t look real! Our Flashback Friday to the SOG Tech Bowie Monogram Limited Edition. Features a deeply acid etched SOG pattern that you can feel. This work of art was limited to 300 pieces.. were you lucky enough to grab one?? Share with us at SOG SOGknives tech bowie monogram limitededtion acidetched pattern artwork knifefanatics bladestagram fbf flashbackfriday’][/InstagramVideo]
It almost doesn’t look real! Our Flashback Friday to the SOG Tech Bowie Monogram Limited Edition. Features a deeply acid etched SOG pattern that you can feel. This work of art was limited to 300 pieces.. were you lucky enough to grab one?? Share with us at #SOG #SOGknives #tech #bowie #monogram #limitededtion #acidetched #pattern #artwork #knifefanatics #bladestagram #fbf #flashbackfriday
posted via instagram by sogknives4u on Apr 18, 2014 @ 20:32